Sunday, 23 March 2025

2025 Mute Swan RAS (Census)

 Mute Swan RAS

Each year I do a Re-trapping Adults for Survival (RAS) project on the Swans of Dublin, East Kildare and North Wicklow.  The project boundaries are the same as the Richard Collins extensive research in the 1980's.  Instread of re catching Swans to identify them, they are fitted with coloured rings so they are all easily identified at a distance.

As part of the project nesting and cygnet numbers (Productivity) is recorded.  2024 was a really poor year, hopefully 2025 will be better.

Parkwest.  Nesting

09/03/2025 Poppintree Park.  Male on nest

16/03/2025 Ballycragh Firhouse D24.  Building nest.  Male & Female identified CCXC & CBLL

16/03/2025  Tymon North D24.  Territorial Pair.  Not yet nesting. CFCC, CDNZ

17/03/2025 Parkwest, Guinness Filters. Female on nest.  Male identified CFHS

22/03/2025 Bush Park.  At Lease 1 egg in the nest.  Male identified CBTL

22/03/2025 Tymon Spa Weel end (Wellington Road).  Nesting Male identified CDKI

23/03/2025 War Memorial, Island Bridge.  Seven swan present, no nesting taking place to date.

24/03/2025 Castleknock Train Station CCFL & CDXD.  Pair. (JR)

24/03/2025 Lakeside Newbridge.  Building nest CDIS + Probably CATL but not confirmed (DdP)

24/03/2025 Fr Collins Park.  CCLK & CDSV prospecting for nesting site.

Monday, 17 March 2025

2025 Great Black-backed Gull census (RAS)

 17/03/2025 St Patrick's Day

The Great Black-backed Gull is the largest Gull in the world and privileged to have them nesting in Dublin.  Their survival strategy involves dispersal and all though winter, sightings from as far away as Spain, but mainly within 300km have been coming in, March they start returning to Dublin for the nesting season.  My thanks to all the observers, mainly recorded in Northern Ireland, England, Wales and all around the Irish coast, But observers in Spain and other locations have added to our understanding of this species.  

The project dates means that St Patrick's weekend is the start.  Finding & recording all the coloured rings is a massive task but it provides accurate survival data.  Bird Flu has had a recent impact.  Being an apex predator as well as a scavenger leaves them very susceptible by eating sick or dying birds.

These Gulls are massive.  This is S18:D with a Herring Gull for comparison. 

The first weekend of the project has been a success with 20 recorded.  The objective is always to get over 100 individuals who have returned to Dublin identified, but it becomes the rule of diminishing returns.  Ferrys to the Islands start in April but 20 rings in a weekend will probably not happen again this year.   We aim to again ring 100 pulli, but this species takes 5 years to become a breeding adult!

429:D winters in North West Spain and already has returned to Dublin

1PH was ringed by as part of a previous project in 2012.  No winter sightings have ever been received so we still don't know where this one goes!

3CN is an anomaly! It never goes far.  Recorded all year round close to where it nests

Reading metal rings is a skill but all ringed before 2009 are metal only.  This one was ringed in 2004 making it 20 years old. 

First weekend - 20 recorded - Great start