February 28th
I went this morning to Broadmeadows in North Dublin to read some Mute Swan Rings - nothing startling and on to Howth. I though I would dip at Howth but spotted an Adult Great Black Backed with a Darvic from Irelands Eye (A local Island Colony).
Great Black Backed Gull 2EJ |
Landed - Great Black Backed Gull 2EJ |
February 26th
Still waiting for the gathering. Still only the English 27H0 and Swedish 6430814 present in Sean Walsh Park, but the weather today had improved!
February 19th
Bullock Harbour on a quick trip produced 4 coloured ringed birds. Two Great Black Backed Gulls, both ringed on Irelands Eye. 1VV was ringed in 2013 and 2LH was ringed in 2009. Both are regulars at Bullock Harbour. The two Mediterranean Gulls were the Juvenile Hungarian and the German AKAJ again both regulars at this location.
Great Black Backed Gull. 2009 |
February 16th
In Sean Walsh Park, the first Adult Lesser Black Backed Gull turned up. The only ringed Black Headed Gull was the usual Swedish 6430814.
Lesser Black Backed Gull in Tallaght, Dublin |
February 15th
Bray Harbour with my young boys, means my focus is slightly different. But as there were no Coloured rings to try and photograph, they fed the Swans and I photographed their rings - 7 mute swans had rings. But Bray Harbour it is a great place to Gull watch and indeed bird watch and I picked out this rarer gull, a Ring Billed Gull from America.
February 14th
Howth again was disappointing with only one ring, so I stopped and read some Brent Geese on a rugby pitch in Sutton.
The highlight of the day was ringing 7 Mute Swans with the Midlands Ringing Group. Following the oil spill on February 6th, they were all in a rescue center and due for release next week. Thirteen Mute Swans in all were ringed. As some one who records mute swans in Sean Walsh Park there were two noticible absentees. W26144 and "Two toes" ( a mute Swan with damaged webbing) who were normally in the Park, weren't among the ones there, neither are they in the Park. I will have to track them down!!
Shed full of Swans all with new BTO rings. |
February 12th
Still no rings sighted in Sean Walsh Park. This is the longest period with nothing showing! Oh well, I just watch nature unfurl.
Heron in Sean Walsh Park |
February 8th
Birds can turn up anywhere and this morning at Tallaght Community School I spotted a white Darvic in the distance. It was on a Mediterranean Gull! 35L6! A new one for me, but seen on Booterstown Strand by Sean a few times. I look forward to the report.
February 7th
Howth: Last Saturday I recorded no rings at Howth, today was a slight improvement with 3. One Great Black Backed and 2 Herring Gulls all with local Blue rings
February 6th
Disaster: There was an oil spill in Sean Walsh Park. It must have happened last night as the Gulls all escaped as they roost else where, the ducks roost on the Island, but the poor swans! They were black with oil. A big thank you to all who helped catch the Swans, they are now in a Rescue Center.
February 3rd
There have been no rings seen in the last few weeks in Sean Walsh Park. With large sections of the ponds frozen today I scanned a lot of legs! The Black Headed Gull 27H0, who suddenly stopped from being a daily sighting in late December, was spotted standing on the ice.
There have been a few Mediterranean Gulls using the Park but no rings yet.
So I have had to be content with watching the Kingfishers!